Emerald International school, a co-educational school, is the pioneer in the schooling world. Founded under the able chairperson Mrs. Savitha Lokesh Reddy who is committed to imparting high quality holistic education by giving students the opportunities to develop their creative and social skills. EIS is a culturally-rich mosaic, serving each student by providing a world-class education, nurturing potential, developing life-long skills, and preparing students for an ever-changing global community. Today selecting a school is indeed a very daunting and complicated tasks and you as parents who have the best interest of your child would not like make a judgemental slip in finalising one. The child’s dreams, aspirations and skills needs to synchronise with the overall outlook and approach of the institution which in order would ignite the passion and thrust the child to reach for accomplishment beyond once proficiency. Here’s, where Emerald International School provides a solution. As Mr. Jean Piaget the Swiss clinical psychologist known for his pioneering work in child development ...said “The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new thingsâ€. At EIS, we hope to invoke in students a love of learning through the development of the intellectual, emotional, social, physical and creative potentials.
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