JYOTHY KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA is English medium school run by the JYOTHY CHARITABLE TRUST. It was inaugurated in 1989 and was headed by late Sri B.N.V. Subrahmanya with his selfless and dedicated efforts. He was the Managing Trustee of the JYOTHY CHARITABLE TRUST and the Founder President of JYOTHY KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA. Currently the trust is headed by Smt. Seetha Subrahmanya.
This Trust is registered with the Commissioner of Income Tax, Karnataka-II under Section-80-G of the I.T. Act of exemption. The trust has undertaken a massive expansion of its activities. Maintaining a fund for providing scholarships to the poor is one of the activities amongst many. In addition, free books & uniform as well as fee concession will be given to the deserving students every year.