"S E SUPRE -30" Is Patna's largest Exam
Preparation Destination, Loved by Millions of Aspirants Across the country.
We appreciate the value of structured preparation not just
the quantity of it but also the approach the institute serving to those students
seeking himself to quality JEE (Main and Adv.) and NEET, it will render
the best vibes they attain the best colleges of India.
About Director’s
The Epitome of and illustrious, voracious, and vociferous image the directors of “S E SUPER 30” S K Singh find a hefty chaos and perturbation in recent education system.”
S.K Singh (Sr. Maths Faculty)
IIT/ NEET/ Foundation
Course subject
(Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
Special features
8th, 9th and 10th
Course details
(All subjects are available)
Best offer for class-10th (Board Exam-2025)
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=> 5 test With completely solutions by magic concept.
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